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Bilberry – Vaccinium myrtillus

Vaccinium myrtillus


Common name: Bilberry
Latin name: Vaccinium myrtillus
Other names: Blaeberry, wortleberry, winberry, huckleberry
Family: Ericaceae, heath family
Habitat: Acid and nutritient-poor soils, in Europe, northern Asia nad North America
Description: Low growing (up to 0, 2 meters), perennial, deciduous shrub with leathery, red leaves and globular, wax-like flowers. Flowers from April to June. Fruits-little black berries are round, with a flat top.
Parts used: Ripe fruit, fresh or dried; leaves
Useful components: Quinic acid, tannin, sugar, flavonoids, Vitamins A and C, anthocyanin
Medicinal use: Bilberry has been used as a herbal remedy for centuries, all around the globe. Tea made from the leaves is primarly an excellent antiseptic for the urinary tract, and has similar effects as Uva ursi. Taken for a prolonged period of time, it can be helpful in treatment of diabetes. Fruits are useful in treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and high blood pressure.  Distilled water made from the leaves makes an excellent eyewash, helpful in cases of poor vision and night blindness. Bilberry tea is also used to treat stomach problems, and can relieve mild inflammations of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.
Safety: Some herbs could react with certain medication. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption of any herb.

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