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About Us

About Us

We are a group of enthusiasts and herbalists, gathered around the same idea – that Nature always gives us the best ways to complete the healing process. Using only natural resources- herbs that can either be found in Nature, or grown in our own garden, even the critical and chronic illnesses can be cured. Forget about the natural products, on these pages you can learn how to make your own home remedies. You only have to be open minded, and the Nature can teach you the ways of healthy living. And always bear in mind that health is the greatest wealth. Authors:Borivoje Jurisic, Svetlana Vasilich, Helen Poulet, Adi Hata

Our Vision

“Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it.”Seneca

Our Mission

Using only natural resources- herbs that can either be found in Nature, or grown in our own garden, even the critical and chronic illnesses can be cured.