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Coltsfoot โ€“ Tussilago farfara

Tussilago farfara


Common name: Coltsfoot
Latin name: Tussilago farfara
Other names: Tash Plant, Ass’s foot, Bull’s foot, Butterbur, Coughwort, Farfara, Foal’s foot, Foalswort, Horse Foot, Winter heliotrope
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: Coltsfoot is native to Europe, North Africa and parts of Asia. It can be found on dump soils and disturbed areas, on roadsides and highways.
Description: Coltsfoot is a perennial, herbaceous plant, growing up to 30 centimeters in height. It spreads from a branched rhizome. Leaves appear after the flowers; they are deep-green, lobed, heart-shaped and irregularly toothed along the margins. Bright yellow flowers, very similar to dandelions, appear in early spring.
Parts used: Leaves, flowers
Useful components: Inulin, tannins, salts, sterols
Medicinal use: Coltsfoot had long been used medicinally, mainly as antitussive in treatment of coughs and other respiratory problems. Leaves and flowers are generally used in form of a decoction for various chest conditions. It has proven to be very helpful in treatment of spasmodic coughs. It can also be used in case of asthma, diarrhea, slow metabolism, as a blood purifier and a diuretic. Applied externally, Coltsfoot is beneficial in treatment of sores, injuries, rashes and painful joints.
Safety: Some herbs could react with certain medication. Therefore it is advisable to contact your doctor/herbalist before consumption of any herb.

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