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Coriander – Coriandrum sativum

Coriandrum sativum


Common name: Coriander
Latin name: Coriandrum sativum
Other names: Chinese Parsley, Cilantro, Dizzycorn, Japanese Parsley
Family: Apiaceae
Habitat: Coriander is native to the Middle East and Mediterranean region. It grows best in dry climates, on well-drained soils.
Description: Coriander is an annual plant, growing up to 50 centimeters in height. Leaves are bright green, broadly lobed near the base, and longer and thinner on the flowering stems. Flowers are white to pale pink, produced in small, shortly-stalked umbels.
Parts used: Whole plant
Useful components: Linalool, coumarins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, polyacetylenes, phthalides, mucilage
Medicinal use: Coriander is considered to be a stimulant, diuretic, carminative and tonic. It is considered to be very helpful in treatments of different types of digestive dysfunctions. It helps in cases of indigestion, ulcerative colitis, typhoid fever and diarrhea. Coriander water is said to lower cholesterol levels if used on a regular basis. Excessive menstrual flow can be reduced with help of boiled coriander seeds. Used externally, coriander juice can help in treatment of dry skin and could be effective in removal of pimples and blemishes. A decoction made from dried plant is an excellent eye tonic.
Safety: Some herbs could interact with certain medication. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor or herbalist before consumption of any herb.

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