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Dill โ€“ Anethum graveolens

Anethum graveolens


Common name: Dill
Latin name: Anethum graveolens
Other names: Dill Weed
Family:ย  Apiaceae
Habitat: Dill is native to southwest Asia, western Africa and Mediterranean region. Now, it is naturalized in many parts of Europe and USA. Dill prefers full sun and sandy or loamy soils.
Description: Dill is an annual plant, growing up to 1.5 m in height. It has fern-like, pinnately divided, feathery leaves, about 0.3 m long. Flower stems are stiff and hollow. Flowers are borne in large, compound umbels. They are small and numerous, yellow in color, with tiny petals rolled inward. Fruit is a flat pod, bitter in taste. Whole plant is strongly aromatic, with taste similar to caraway.
Parts used: Whole herb
Useful components: Calcium, dietary fiber, manganese, iron, magnesium, monoterpenes and flavonoids.
Medicinal use: Dill is considered to have antispasmodic, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, diuretic and carminative properties. Dill oil is very useful in cases of hyperacidity, flatulence, indigestion and indigestion related diarrhea. Its daily consumption promotes digestion and alleviates or prevents constipation. Dill leaves can be used as a poultice in cases of blood boils and ulcers. Combined with sesame oil, they can help ease swollen joints. Seeds are very helpful in treatment of bad breath and respiratory problems (such as colds, influenza, bronchitis etc.). Monoterpenes and flavonoids found in Dill’s essential oil are responsible for its anti-microbial action. Dill is also used as a herbal remedy for insomnia, and can be helpful for lactating women, since it increases milk flow.
Safety: Some herbs can interact with certain medication. Always consult your doctor/herbalist before consumption of any herb.

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