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European Wild Ginger โ€“ Asarum europaeum

Asarum europaeum

European Wild GingerEuropean Wild Ginger

Common name: European Wild Ginger
Latin name: Asarum europaeum
Other names: Haselwort, Wild Spikenard, Asarabacca
Family: Aristolochiaceae
Habitat: European Wild Ginger is native to Europe, eastern and western Asia.ย  It grows in woodlands in light shade.
Description: European Wild Ginger is a low-growing, perennial plant. It has prostrate stems with two very large, kidney-shaped leaves. They are dark-green and shiny, usually evergreen. Flower is purple-green and drooping.ย ย  It flowers from May to August.
Parts used:ย  Root, leaves
Useful components: Asarit, asarin, volatile oil, citric acid, tannic acid, starch, resin.
Medicinal use: The plant is considered to be a stimulant, carminative, emetic, errhine, diuretic and diaphoretic. It is used as an errhine in cases of brain and eyes disorders, toothache and paralysis of the mouth and tongue. The dried and powdered leaves are used in the preparation of cephalic snuffs. It promotes sneezing and gives relief to headache and weak eyes.
Safety: Some herbs could react with certain medication. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption of any herb.

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