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Home remedies for nose diseases


Natural inhaler for Sinusitis

The inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is a very common condition, affecting large population and causing head pains and a disturbing pressure in the eyes, nose and cheeks. This natural remedy can help you cope with sinusitis.
ยท Handful of dried Basil
ยท Handful of dried Chamomile flowers
ยท Half-handful of Peppermint
ยท Handful of dry Yarrow
ยท Handful of dry Wild Thyme
ยท 1 l of mineral water
Mix all the herbs together and divide them in four parts, for a 4 day treatment. Each day take 1 liter of mineral water, put it in a saucepan, heat it until it boils, pour the daily dosage of herbs and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat. The inhaler is ready for use. Put your head above the saucepan and cover yourself (head and shoulders) with a towel. Inhale the mixture for 20 minutes, every day before sleep. After the inhalation, wrap the towel around your head. In cases of tough sinus infections, the therapy should last for 4 weeks. During that period, you shouldn’t use nasal sprays and/or nasal drops.

*Click on plant’s name for more info!