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Parsley โ€“ Petroselinum crispum

Petroselinum crispum


Common name: Parsley
Latin name: Petroselinum crispum, Petroselinum sativum
Other names: Garden Parsley
Family: Apiaceae
Habitat: Parsley is native to the central Mediterranean region. Nowadays Parsley is widely cultivated as a vegetable, medicinal herb and a spice.
Description: Parsley is a biennial herbaceous plant. It grows about 30 cm high and has bright green, tripinnate leaves. Leaves are formed in a rosette, 10 to 25 centimeters long, with numerous curled leaflets. During the second year of its life, a long flowering stem appears, with yellow to yellow-green flowers in flat-topped umbels. The seeds are ovoid, 2-3mm long.
Parts used: Whole herb
Useful components: Volatile oil, coumarins, flavonoids, phthalides, vitamins.
Medicinal use: Parsley is a very beneficial medicinal herb. This little aromatic plant is carminative, tonic and digestive. It is a very efficient remedy for spasm relaxation, and can be used to soothe various digestive complaints, such as indigestion, flatulence and loss of appetite. As a powerful diuretic, it can be an excellent adjunct to therapies related to breast discomfort, kidney and bladder stones and urinary infections. It can also be very effective in soothing premenstrual discomforts and menopausal symptoms. Some studies suggest that Parsley could help prevent osteoporosis. Chlorophyll in Parsley acts as a breath sweetener. Used externally, it can help in treatment of insect bites and stings (applied in form of a fresh juice), acne (in form of an infusion) and skin spots.
Safety: Pregnant woman should not use Parsley in excessive amounts, since large amounts could have uterotonic effects. Some herbs could react with certain medication. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption of any herb.

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