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Peach- Prunus persica

Prunus persica


Common name: Peach
Latin name: Prunus persica
Family: Rosaceae
Habitat: Peach originates from China. Now, it is widely cultivated all around the world, in temperate climates. It grows on well-drained, sandy, loamy and clay soils, with a lot of sun.
Description: Deciduous, medium-sized tree (reaches the hight of 8 meters). Leaves are oblong and lanceolate, 7 to 16 cm long, pinnately veined.ย  Flowers are pale-pink and five-petalled, they appear in early spring (during April).ย  Fruitย  has sweet-tasting, yellow or white flesh, with hairy or smooth skin, and a single, brown-red seed inside the wood-like husk.
Parts used: Flowers, ripeย  fruits, seeds.
Useful components: Proteins, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, zinc, Vitamine A and C.
Medicinal use: Traditionally, bark and leaves have been used in cases of whooping coughs and bronchitis. Nowadays, peach leaves are usually recommended in treatment of irritated digestive tract.ย  Peach kernel oil is said to stimulate hair growth, and is commonly used as a mosturiser and for massage. Tea made from the leaves acts as an excellent kidney cleanser. Fruit contains high percentage of water, and is an excellent laxative. It is helpful in eliminating toxins, an usually included in the weight-loss programs. Cooked and purred Peach fruit is extremely helpful in cases of stomach ulcers, bowel inflammations and colitis. Fresh Peach stimulates digetion, regulates bowel and alkalinizes blood stream.
Safety: Peach seeds contain toxin, hydrogen cianide, which in smaller amounts stimulates respiration and improves digestion, but in excessive amounts could cause respiratory failure and death. Some herbs could react with certain medication. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption of any herb.

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